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Welcome to Mount Burnett Observatory Radio Astronomy Group


The MBO Radio Astronomy Group is a small group of enthusiasts within MBO who wish to build and experiment with various projects related to radio astronomy.


RAG has a number of projects that we are working on at present.

  • Radio Jove: a receiver tuned to 20MHz to detect natural radio emissions from Jupiter. Currently producing data!
  • 1410MHz Interferometer: A phase-switched interferometer tuned to 1410MHz and a pair of 3m dishes. Currently being built.
  • Magnetometer: A SAM magnetometer project to monitor changes to the Earth's magnetic field which can be used to predict aurora. A two axis portable demo unit is currently under construction with a 3 axis buried unit in the planning stages.
  • MWA Tile: MBO was gifted a prototype Murchison Widefield Array tile and beamformer. Currently works as a demonstrator but is too large to permanently assemble.

RAG meeting MWA tile at 2017 open day MBO interferometer dish MBO Radio Jove antenna temperature

Also see the Main Mount Burnett Observatory website.